Stage set for first production in our new theatre (Oct 2024):
JOB: A Man of Our Times
We invite you and your family to enjoy Easter dinner and a show “Up Close & Personal: Set Free!” with the producers of Upon This Rock Productions!
AN EASTER WEEKEND DINNER SHOW by the Producers of the Upon This Rock Passion Play
“Bring your family and enjoy Easter dinner and a show with Upon This Rock! For 40 years the producers of the UTR Passion Play shared the Christ story to thousands from the big stage. We invite you to come closer as we welcome you into our very own intimate theater home to hear the stories from the other side - of those He set free! Experience the same quality of acting, singing and dance as before in an up close and personal way this Easter weekend!”
Our 2025 Production Season
JULY 11-13, 2025
What People Are Saying
“...The performance was simply 'incredible' and many said the performance was the best they had ever witnessed..." Indpls Urban League
"It's more than a play, it's an experience!"
Upon This Rock is a Christian Theater Company comprised of men, women and children, motivated to uplift and promote the name of Jesus Christ within our families and community, locally and nationally, through the vehicle of performing arts.
The Upon This Rock Family is produced by real-life brother and sister, Playwright and Executive Director Sharon Thompson-Hill and Pastor A. Thomas Hill, Managing Director. They combine their talents and efforts to lead a cast and crew of over 300 professional and amateur volunteers in creating a Christian-based production focused on remembering the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
SEPTEMBER 19-21, 2025
DECEMBER 19-21, 2025

Featured Guest Gospel Artists over the years
Tramaine Hawkins, Lisa Page-Brooks, Karen Clark-Sheard, Vanessa Bell-Armstrong, Dorinda Clark-Cole, Tasha Page-Lockhart, Lamar Campbell, Pentecostal Ambassadors, Alexis Spight, Beverly Crawford, LeAndria Johnson, Jekalyn Carr, Lisa Knowles-Smith ….
A Thomas Hill, Managing Director & Producer
Sharon Thompson, Executive Director & Founder