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The Next Chapter

Can I Get an Amen!

Dear Upon This Rock Family,

Because of your efforts, over the past 36 years the Upon This Rock Passion Play has inspired thousands annually in the city of Indianapolis, and we are confident that God has plans to continue this great work for many more years to come. Get ready for The Next Chapter!

Although the present pandemic has temporarily shut us all down, UTR is determined to reemerge bigger and better than ever! Unlike many performing arts groups who have not survived the pandemic and have unfortunately had to shut down (some permanently), we are determined to keep the message and ministry alive, BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Remember that powerful scene in the UTR passion play, when Jesus demands the keys of death, hell and the grave?  THE KEYS! His voice is still echoing today through this present crisis.  THE KEYS! The gates of hell will NOT PREVAIL because of Jesus Christ and faithful and loyal friends like you – friends who have not ceased sowing your time, talent and treasure into the vision, knowing that better days are on the way!

During the shutdown, we will be working on building and recreating stage sets, props and costuming for upcoming productions. To better accomplish this goal, we are in need of 3-4000 square feet of warehouse space for storage and development purposes.

You can help us reach our goal in one of 3 ways:

  1. Become a monthly financial partner, contributing as little as $5 to $100/month (or more).

  2. Participating in our 2020 Fundraiser: The Amen Mask. $2.00 of every mask sold will be donated to UTR for this cause, or

  3. Give us a warehouse! (“you have not because you ask not” James 4:2)

We recall a line by Pastor Margaret in James Baldwins’, The Amen Corner (another favorite of Upon This Rock).  The line is framed as a question by the wearied Pastor Margaret to her sister Odessa when it seemed like her world was falling apart: “Odessa – you know what Amen means?  Amen means Thy will be done.  Amen means So be it.  I been up all morning, praying – and I couldn’t say amen”.  The Amen Mask: when you can’t say it – wear it!  By the way, the next time your pastor asks for an “Amen” at church – you’ll be well prepared to respond with the Amen Mask!

Sharon, I, and the entire UTR family responds in unison to the will of God today, and the promises of God for tomorrow as it concerns the future of the Upon This Rock Ministry. AMEN! So be it! It IS so!

We’re believing God for a resurrection moment by Easter 2021, as the story continues. Believe with us by helping us reach our goal. Sharon and I wish to say THANK YOU in advance for your continued belief in and support of UTR.

In HIS service,

Pastor A. Thomas Hill, Managing Director Sharon Thompson-Hill, Executive Director   

P.S. We are making plans to begin Zoom rehearsals soon with our cast members, as well as Zoom conferences with our staff and volunteers. It’s a new day, demanding new ways. We may be temporarily shut down, but we refuse to shut up. Our best days are still ahead of us!